Donald Trump receives strong support from black voters in immigrant-weary Detroit: Taking your jobs

Former President Donald Trump received strong support during a campaign stop in immigrant-weary Detroit Saturday — where he also coined the nickname “King of super predators” for Joe Biden.The presumptive GOP presidential nominee appealed to the mostly black crowd, by talking about trouble with the migrant crisis while speaking at a policy and awareness roundtable at 180 Church in Detroit’s inner city.“They’re coming for your jobs.

And it’s terrible … The black community is being hurt most by illegal aliens.They’re coming into your communities and they’re taking your jobs,” Trump told the crowds, which earned him a hefty round of applause.Although not officially a sanctuary city, Detroit has been overwhelmed by a stream of migrants similar to how Chicago and New York City have been inundated.At the event, Trump launched his “Black Americans for Trump” coalition to rival a similar group the Biden-Harris campaign sunk millions into, which Trump framed as an attempt to win over a block of voters Biden had historically wronged.Trump claimed President Biden would be a threat to black Americans, citing his role in authoring the 1994 crime bill that ramped up policing and imprisonment.“He walks around now talking about the black vote — he’s the ‘king of the super predators,’” Trump said.“He wrote the 1994 crime bill that you all talk about so much, I guess everybody here knows about that, especially if you happen to be black.”The Detroit crowd warmly welcomed Trump, especially when the ex-president promised to quell the migrant crisis.Immigration is a top issue for US voters, as well as a struggling economy and public safety, according to the Pew Research Center.Trump reiterated his commitment to securing the border later Saturday while addressing the “People’s Convention” of Turning Point Action, telling crowds he’d be a president who “throws radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country and gets them out fast...

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Publisher: New York Post

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