Dear Abby: I want to have sex with my doorman but were both married

DEAR ABBY: I love my doorman.I am married and older than he is.

He is married, too.I’ve known him for years, and I flirt with him all the time.

He flirts back and gets really red in the face. One day, he came up to my apartment to help me with something.I purposely had on a see-through slip.

I wanted to kiss him.I did catch him staring at me, but he was very polite and didn’t try anything.

I’m just wondering whether I should try to kiss him next time or try to stay away from him.He really makes me crazy.

— BIG CRUSH IN NEW YORKDEAR CRUSH: You owe your doorman an apology for what you have been doing.If you care at all for this person, do not jeopardize his job by taking this further.

If you do, this adventure will not have a happy ending.DEAR ABBY: My stepdaughter has an 11-year-old daughter I’ll call “Kristina.” Kristina is very well-behaved, but she’s being taught at home that love is measured in dollars.She is constantly hinting about gifts and candy she wants.

It has gotten so bad that when I keep her, I postpone errands because she invariably finds something in every store that she needs or wants. I don’t mind buying her things from time to time, but the items I purchase are sometimes returned to the store or sold by her mother.Although Kristina is an only child, she is not my only grandchild. If I buy a gift for another grandchild, I have to hide it because Kristina thinks it’s hers.

If she sees money on my dresser, she talks about how much cash others have given her.She helps herself to our candy dish without asking permission and sometimes muses about how many gifts dead relatives would have given to her if they were still alive. Then there’s her birthday.

After Christmas each year, she starts hinting that her birthday is coming up.Abby, she was born in JULY! For six months, almost without exception, she brings up her birthday in every conversation until she’s sure I have bought her a gift.

I have tried a variety of respo...

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Publisher: New York Post

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