Jerry Seinfeld has perfect comeback to anti-Israel heckler during live Australia show: We have a genius, ladies and gentlemen

Jerry Seinfeld publicly shamed an anti-Israel heckler who interrupted the famed comedian’s show in Australia with pro-Palestinian chants over the weekend.Seinfeld, 70, was on stage at the Qudos Bank Arena Sunday night when the heckler began shouting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a video of the gig shared on X by the Australian Jewish Association shows.“We have a genius, ladies and gentlemen.He solved the Middle East!” Seinfeld joked.“It’s the Jewish comedian, that’s who we have to get! They’re the ones doing everything.”Security surrounded the protestor as he continued to shout at the comedian while they tried escorting him out of the venue.“They’re going to start punching you in about three seconds, so I would try to get all of your genius out so we can all learn from you,” Seinfeld told the protestor while getting a roaring round of applause from the crowd.His fans then broke out into a “Jerry” chant to show their support for the comedy legend while security removed the disruptive pro-Palestinian supporter from the area.Nevertheless, the heckler kept shouting while being escorted out, but Seinfeld continued to roast him, telling the crowd, “Imagine if this guy actually did solve the conflict?”“You’re really influencing everyone here.

We’re all on your side now, because you’ve made your point so well, and in the right venue, you’ve come to the right place for a political conversation,” he said from the stage.“Tomorrow we will read in the paper ‘Middle East 100% solved thanks to man at the Qudos Arena stopping Jew comedian.’ They stopped him, and everyone in the Middle East went, ‘Oh my God, let’s just get along.We can’t do that.’”The “Seinfeld” co-creator then used the moment to poke fun at Australia’s own history to lighten the mood.“I know there are problems here, with Indigenous Aboriginal people and the white,” he told the crowd.“They have problems here so maybe ...

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Publisher: New York Post

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