Another problem for Jamaal Bowman: Black Americans arent socialists

A fight for black priorities is playing out right here in New York — with national implications.As socialist “Squad” Rep.Jamaal Bowman tries to fend off a Democratic challenger in the June 25 primary, it’s become clear he is increasingly out of step with his black constituents in The Bronx and Westchester.I know because I’ve asked them.My group, the National Black Empowerment Action Fund, recently commissioned a poll of hundreds of black residents in Bowman’s district.

We found a huge divide between those voters’ concerns and Bowman’s priorities in Congress. When asked about the issues they care about most, black voters primarily pointed to quality of life — jobs and economic development (27%), crime and public safety (25%), inflation and the cost of living (18%) and housing (16%).  Meanwhile, in his public statements Bowman appears squarely focused on the conflict in Gaza, even though only 3% of black people in the district cite that as a leading concern. As a 20-year veteran of black politics in America, I’ve seen time and time again a general misunderstanding of what black voters want: quality public education for our kids, secure neighborhoods free of guns and gangs, investment in our communities and access to the American dream. Taken together, in today’s polarized, politicized environment, the average black voter’s stance might be defined as “moderate” — putting safe streets, good schools and good jobs first.Socialism and extremism don’t make the cut.Black people aren’t socialists.

Full stop.And that’s exactly why, if Bowman’s challenge is any bellwether, he and his allies in the so-called Squad may be falling out of favor, fast, in black communities.What’s more, our poll confirmed that the more that black voters learned about their congressman’s extreme record on their most important issues, the further out of favor he fell. It revealed two important facts: One, Bowman is not focused on the common-sense proble...

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Publisher: New York Post

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