Bidens careless border policies: Letters to the Editor June 24, 2024

The Issue: Miranda Devine’s columns criticizing President Biden’s lackluster border policy.I’d like to offer a quick note on the spot-on column about President Biden’s border policies (”Joe’s cynical border politics put US in peril,” Miranda Devine, June 20).I hope former President Donald Trump’s team, in its debate preparations, is reading and using your ideas to prepare answers.The article effectively highlights how Trump aimed to solve the border problems — and what Biden did to exacerbate them.

This debate will be akin to a necessary but unwanted trip to the dentist for Team Biden.Great writing.Rich HilbertWestfield, Mass.President Biden bears responsibility for the countless migrant killings and rapes of American citizens.Unfortunately, more crimes are sure to happen.

He failed to enforce immigration laws by illegally allowing large numbers of migrants to reside in our country at our expense, while they cause crime and disorder.His primary obligation is to safeguard American citizens, yet he seems to prioritize illegal immigrants who view Americans as easy targets.I eagerly anticipate the day that Biden is consigned to the dustbin of history.Joseph ValenteStaten IslandKudos for the column on Biden’s border policies.

Immigration laws were created to protect our nation from those who come here to cause harm.Yet we now need to add another name to the growing list of migrant murder victims: Jocelyn Nungaray.When will Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas begin enforcing existing laws?The system wasn’t broken until Biden took office.

He and Mayorkas have turned the Department of Homeland Security into a cynical and cruel oxymoron.How many more innocent Americans must perish because of it?James EvansWorcester, Mass.I agree with the assessment that neither President Biden nor his handlers should be underestimated (“Don’t fall for Joe’s ‘li’l old me?’ act,” Miranda Devine, June 17).Despite Biden’s reputation...

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Publisher: New York Post

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