Anti-Israel couple in Range Rover arrested at gunpoint during LA protest with keffiyeh-clad toddler in backseat

Two anti-Israel protesters in a Range Rover were detained at gunpoint by riot police during chaotic demonstrations outside of a Los Angeles synagogue — and officers were seen removing a keffiyeh-wearing toddler from the backseat to get him away from the mayhem.The chaos started Sunday when pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside the Adas Torah synagogue in the predominately Jewish neighborhood of Pico-Robertson and attempted to block the entrance, according to CBS News.Pro-Israel protestors came out in droves as retaliation and attempted to block a Range Rover from entering a gas station across from the synagogue.Video shared on social media shows a woman appearing out of the car sunroof, brandishing a keffiyeh in one hand and shouting at the counter-protesters carrying American and Israeli flags blocking the vehicle.She was seen flipping off the on-lookers with both middle fingers before LAPD officers in full riot gear approached the Range Rover with guns drawn.“Put your hands up.Get out of the car now.

Ma’am, step out of the car,” officers shouted at the woman and her male driver as they swarmed in on the vehicle.The driver, wearing a mask and yellow shirt, got out of the car first and raised his hands in the air before surrendering.Seconds later, the woman exits the car, still holding the keffiyeh, and gives herself up to the police.After cuffing both adults, officers were seen pulling a toddler wearing a keffiyeh out of the back seat of the car and taking him away from the mayhem.In another video of the same Range Rover during the chaos on Sunday, the woman who was detained was seen waving a flag with “Free Palestine” written on it.It’s unclear if any charges were filed against the couple.No injuries were reported from the demonstrations, but one person was arrested on a misdemeanor charge for allegedly carrying “a spiked flag,” a police spokesperson told the LA Times.Founder of the JEM Community Center in Beverly Hills, Rabbi Hertzel Illu...

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Publisher: New York Post

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