Biden issues mass pardon for gays booted from military after voting for ban in 1990s

WASHINGTON — President Biden will issue a mass pardon Tuesday for veterans convicted of consensual same-sex activity, the White House said — even though he voted for one of the landmark laws that banned gays and lesbians from the military while he was a senator.Biden, 81, will make the pardon announcement before joining pop star Elton John at the Stonewall Inn Friday in Manhattan to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the modern gay rights movement.“We can’t give an exact number, but the administration estimates that there are thousands of individuals who were convicted of consensual conduct under the UCMJ provision 125 and who may therefore be eligible for the pardon,” a Biden administration official told reporters on a press call.“This is a historic injustice, and the president is therefore taking this historic step to ensure that we live up to our sacred obligation to care for all service members, veterans and their families.”Biden is hunkered down at Camp David for a full week of preparations ahead of Thursday’s CNN debate against former President Donald Trump.It’s unclear if he will address the mass pardon publicly or remark on his own culpability for historical discrimination in the military.Biden as a senator voted in 1993 for the legislation that enshrined the final iteration of the Pentagon’s ban on gay and lesbian members, known as the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which despite its name still allowed for service members to be expelled and punished if they were outed against their will.Both Biden and Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, have courted gay voters ahead of what’s expected to be a close election decided by thousands of votes in a handful of swing states — with former first lady Melania Trump hosting a Log Cabin Republicans gathering at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla., in April and set to host a similar event next month at Trump Tower in New York.Biden has had a mixed political record...

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Publisher: New York Post

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