Jamaal Bowman loses re-election: Letters to the Editor June 28, 2024

The Issue: Jamaal Bowman’s defeat in the NY-16 Democratic primary election by George Latimer.Anti-Israel politician and false-alarm-puller Rep.Jamaal Bowman will be out of a job after losing to George Latimer in the NY-16 Democratic primary election (“Good riddance!,” June 27).Bowman shouldn’t worry, as Hamas is probably looking for new recruits.Barry KoppelKew GardensVoters should be happy now that Bowman has been booted from office.Yet they shouldn’t get too excited as his replacement, Latimer, is just another progressive liberal Democrat, who will do nothing to advance his constituents.Michael D’AuriaBronxvilleThankfully, voters in Bowman’s district have had enough of him.That’s the thing about voters.

You can fool them for only so long — until they correct their mistakes the next time around.I would like to believe that a few more politicians who stand for radical causes, no matter the consequences, will meet the same fate.This was a great start, so let’s hope it continues.Robert FeuersteinStaten IslandBowman didn’t lose to Latimer entirely due to the organic will of voters.He also lost to AIPAC’s funding power, all because he opposed Israel’s massacre of 39,000 Palestinian men, women, and children.

I believe it’s clear Israel, a foreign country, is using PACs to meddle in our elections.Sick­ening.Richard JamesBrooklynIn the wake of Bowman’s much-deserved loss to Latimer, we need to ask ourselves: How did that radical anti-Israel clown ever get elected in the first place?The same question applies to Reps.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.Hopefully, super PACs will mobilize their funds to oust the rest of the anti-Israel Squad.Robert MangiGarden CityBowman, wannabe rapper and Squad member, got trounced by Latimer.One down, seven to go.

Now let’s see how long it takes for Bowman to play the race card, even against his own political party.That should be no problem, as the Democrats have no problem eating t...

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Publisher: New York Post

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