Karen Read supporters are so obsessed with her murder trial theyre staring at live video feed of court ceiling fan during deliberation

They’re all fans of Karen Read here.Read’s supporters are so obsessed with her live-streamed murder trial outside Boston, that they’re even staring at the ceiling fan that the camera focuses on during down moments in court as the jury deliberates her fate.Jurors went home early Thursday afternoon, ending their third day of deliberations in the case at Norfolk County Superior Court in Dedham, Mass.

on whether Read, 44, should be convicted for the death of her cop beau.However, while they were in the jury room, the live video feed from inside the courtroom stayed on — fixed on a ceiling fan — a view which some trial watchers said they were getting tired of.Multiple people posted videos and images on X of ceilings fans, joking about how they’ve been forced the look at the mundane image as they eagerly wait for a verdict in the case.“Everyone’s phones and ipads today — awaiting the karen read verdict,” one person posted with a video clip of her phone screen streaming the ceiling fan.“Number 1 fan,” read a post from @FreeKarenRead, featuring a screenshot of the courtroom view.Another posted a clip of the trial on a screen and two ceiling fans inside their home with the caption: “Triple fan pirouttes [sic] during hour 8 of deliberation.”Yet another had a photo of fan, accompanied by the words “Hos [sic] long til I have to stop looking at this?”Read is accused of drunkenly mowing her boyfriend and Boston police officer John O’Keefe, 46, down with her Lexus SUV outside a Canton, Mass.

home and leaving him for dead in a snowbank during a storm on Jan.29, 2022.At trial, Read’s lawyers have claimed that she’s a patsy, putting forward the theory that O’Keefe was killed after getting into a fight with his cop buddies inside pal Brian Albert’s home after Read dropped him off there.Her supporters also believe that her arrested was a frame-job by local cops.

If convicted on the top charge of second-degree murder, Read could be sentenced ...

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Publisher: New York Post

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