Biden aide flat-out lies on prices, Jerry Nadler dodges on migrant crime and more

“President Biden has done a lot to lower prices.”— Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod, MondayWe say: Seriously? Can Elrod name a single thing cheaper today than when Biden took office?Meat’s up a whopping 30%.Eggs, 40%.

Gasoline, nearly 50%.Americans have lost an average 3.9% in inflation-adjusted income.Biden didn’t lower prices but instead flooded an already-heated economy with trillions in new spending that sent prices soaring.Elrod’s spin won’t fool anyone who visits a grocery store. “When European heads of state look at Joe Biden, they see an accomplished world-historic leader.”— Washington Monthly editor-in-chief Paul Glastris, SundayWe say: This guy clearly drank the Kool-Aid.Following Biden’s disastrous bugout from Afghanistan, Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas ignited a war in Gaza, China has threatened Taiwan and the Philippines and Iran is thisclose to having nukes.

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Never miss a story.Does Glastris think European heads of state haven’t noticed?Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates had it right when he said Biden’s “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”“I’ve said what I’m going to say.”— Rep.

Jerry Nadler (D-NY), ThursdayWe say: Asked if crimes by illegal immigrants let in on Biden’s watch are preventable, Nadler refused to answer.Why? Because of course they are.These criminals could’ve and should’ve been turned away at the border.Nadler had earlier claimed the “crime rate among immigrants” is lower than among native-born Americans.Even if that was true in the past, today illegal migrants are let in en masse from the world over and set loose with virtually no screening.What does Nadler think that leads to?“We’ve ...

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Publisher: New York Post

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