NYC migrant shelters under scrutiny after accused cop shooter claims gun-smuggling chain

An accused cop shooter who claimed a Venezuelan gang is smuggling guns into migrant facilities stayed at a shelter with a X-ray and magnetometer to scan for weapons, officials said.Security guards at the East Elmhurst shelter have been “retrained” on the proper use of handheld wands and scanning belongings since former resident Bernardo Raul Castro Mata, 19, allegedly shot two NYPD officers, city officials told The Post.But Mata’s stunning, but still-unverified claim that the bloodthirsty, Venezuela-based Tren de Aragua gang is using food delivery bags to sneak guns to members has prompted lawmakers of all stripes to call for heightened security at city-run migrant shelters.Councilwoman Joann Ariola (R-Queens) said the “powers that be are being duped relying on the honor system.”“Violent criminals are taking advantage of the overly lenient system, and have absolutely no respect for our police, much less the citizen security guards hired to oversee their facilities,” she told The Post.The city’s migrant shelters have been plagued with security problems, from vicious stabbings and brawls to attacks on cops to security guards raking in up to $117 an hour.Many locals and pols contend lawlessness is spilling from shelters into local neighborhoods – an assertion backed by the NYPD’s crackdown on a surge of two-heeled heists by migrant moped gangs.“Only people who live in an alternate universe cannot see the correlation between mass migrant tent cities and shelters and rising crime in neighborhoods,” said Joseph Borelli (R-Staten Island), the council’s minority leader.Councilman Robert Holden (D-Queens) said Mata – a self-professed Tren de Aragua member who told cops the gang commonly shoots cops in Venezuela – is the “poster child” against open borders and sanctuary city status.“This is why everyone coming into our country should be heavily vetted and should not be in our shelter systems which I believe will now have to start using me...

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Publisher: New York Post

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