Democrats school-choice lies laid bare in Pennsylvania with black voucher support above 90%

Surrounded by dozens of teachers-union officials on the steps of the Pennsylvania state Capitol this month, Democratic state Sen.Lindsey Williams excoriated a proposed K-12 education-voucher program.She called it a conspiracy by racist, religious fundamentalists bent on destroying public education by driving “straight, white, able-bodied kids into private religious schools.”The next day, a group of black religious leaders gathered in the state Capitol to tell Gov.

Josh Shapiro to support the voucher program, called the Pennsylvania Award for Student Success.And later that same day, Jay-Z announced he will fund a campaign to mobilize support for the legislation in Philadelphia, where voucher support among black residents stands above 90%.One is left to make one of three conclusions: Jay-Z, Black Pastors United for Education and the vast majority of black Pennsylvania residents are secret white supremacists; they’re being unwittingly controlled by white supremacists; or Sen.

Williams is not telling the truth.That last one is, of course, the sole option based in reality.But when it comes to education, truth is of increasingly little consequence to many Democrats.

If Williams’ voucher comments weren’t enough proof of that, then the shocking public-education funding proposal Pennsylvania House Democrats passed should be.The state’s budget deadline is this Sunday.The plan would put state taxpayers on the hook for an additional $6 billion per year within seven years, an 39% increase in state-level funding.

It would also drastically cut funding for cyber charter schools — a popular choice for families since the pandemic.Democrats present three primary arguments for this massive transfer of Pennsylvanians’ wealth to the education bureaucracy: Public schools are chronically underfunded, their proposal will alleviate the high property taxes afflicting many Pennsylvania communities, and a 2023 court case legally mandated their proposal.“For too long, the s...

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Publisher: New York Post

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