Columbia riot reveals the revolutionary ecosystem linking pro-Hamas groups to BLM

When Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg dropped most of the cases against anti-Israel Columbia University protesters last week, the hooligans he let off the hook included some who coordinated their attack with a Cuban-trained militant at premises financed by a multimillionaire in Shanghai.In other words, the DA who became infamous by prosecuting Donald Trump on flimsy charges has refused to pursue justice for individuals linked to a vast global web that supports the pro-Hamas protests.It’s the same network that has sustained Black Lives Matter since it first started to tear our lives apart in 2013, as Mary Mobley and I showed this week in a new Heritage Foundation report.Further, we’ve found that that this web of organizations, which we label the revolutionary ecosystem, is not committed exclusively to either “social justice” or the political map of the Middle East.Its goal: to take down capitalism, parliamentary democracy and the West in general.One of the main organisms in this revolutionary ecosystem, the Alliance For Global Justice, insists that “liberal democracy is a sham” since it is “the governing principle of the US/NATO Empire, which serves global capitalism.”AFGJ’s links to the rest of the ecosystem tells our tale.It fiscally sponsors Samidoun, one of the main Palestinian activist groups, as well as BLM chapters — and also helped found another top activist group that has organized some of the biggest recent protests, the ANSWER Coalition, a front for the Party for Socialism and Liberation.AFGJ is itself funded by George Soros’ Open Society groups, along with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.The Alliance is the ecosystem in microcosm, and it is hardly alone: Soros foundations also fund the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), one of the main BLM umbrella groups, and Jewish Voice for Peace, one of the organizers of the Columbia violence.Another of the activist groups, American Muslims for Palestine, which also was involved in recent pr...

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Publisher: New York Post

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