TikTok models viral video about popular Nestle drink sparks debate

A bikini model’s TikTok about how she makes Milo has gone viral, sparking fierce debate about the best way to prepare the beloved Aussie drink.Karina Irby, who boasts 527,400 followers on TikTok, posted a two-and-a-half minute video on the drink, asking the question “how many scoops of Milo is too many?”In her “how-to” guide, she puts in about seven teaspoons of Milo into a jar of oat milk, with two “crunchy” spoonful’s at the bottom, three-and-a-half mixed in with the milk, and then another two spoonful’s on top.“She is heavenly,” Ms Irby says while showing off the finished drink to her followers.“I’m shaking because I’m that excited.”The video caused a commotion among her followers, with TikTok users immediately weighing in with their own sense of the right Milo way.“There is never enough milo,” one said, while another remarked: “You need 3/4 quarters milo and the rest milk no hot water”.Stay up on the very latest with Evening Update.

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Never miss a story.The video caught the attention of Network Ten talk show The Project on Thursday night, with host Waleed Aly expressing approval of Ms Irby’s system.“I think that is exactly right,” he said.The panellists brought in “Oracle of Everything” Mel Buttle to weigh in on the debate.She said Ms Irby’s seven spoonfuls were “a lot”.“The weird thing is though, she’s bothering to put the milo in a glass, just save some time, cut out the middleman and put a few teaspoons of milk in the Milo.”When asked whether children should be permitted to consume such large quantities of the flavoured drink, Ms Buttle said: “I’m not a good doctor, Waleed, I’m also not a good parent, so let’s say, sure, kids can have that much Milo, why not?“They have no other joy left in their lives these days … gi...

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Publisher: New York Post

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