I was a Starbucks barista here are 7 ways customers waste their money by not ordering correctly

Don’t let your money sip away! The easiest way to save money on coffee is to make it at home, but some of us can’t live without our Venti Java Chip Frappuccinos — a treat that’s become increasingly expensive in recent years.Fortunately, a former Starbucks barista reveals, you don’t have to give up your visits to the popular chain — you just have to be smarter about how and what you order.

Inga Parkel, who told Business Insider she used to work for the Seattle coffee giant, shared seven spending mistakes too many customers make — and how to avoid them.First up, she said, is taking control of how much ice goes in your beverage — a simple trick to make sure you get the most for your money.

“The easiest way to avoid spending an arm and a leg on half a cup of ice with a hint of the beverage is just to specify that you’d like light ice,” she said.The option is so commonly chosen, that ordering “light ice” is an option on the Starbucks app.

This tip will not only help you at Starbucks, but should work at most places were you order an iced drink.And if you’re thinking of ordering an Americano, she says Ameridon’t.

A grande sized version of the drink — just three shots of espresso and water — rings in at around $4.Instead, Parkel recommends ordering a double or triple shot of espresso in a grande cup, and a separate pour of water, saving you up to a dollar in some places.Another order the Starbucks experts suggests skipping if you need a caffeine boost is a hot venti latte or cappuccino.

She explained that hot venti lattes and cappuccinos are only made with two shots of espresso — the same amount you get in a grande — which means you’re getting “a more diluted caffeine-to-coffee ratio” for more money.For Starbucks fanatics, Parkel advised that instead of paying for a logo embossed tumbler or mug to take home, rack up points using the Starbucks rewards program — with 400 points you can select any merchandise worth up ...

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Publisher: New York Post

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