Swing state voters react to presidential debate, Bidens weak performance

After President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump faced off during the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle, swing state voters were quick to weigh in on the candidates' performances.Dan Olszewski -- a self-proclaimed socially liberal and fiscally conservative Republican entrepreneur from Wisconsin -- said he was the kind of voter who helped secure a victory for Biden in his home state during the 2020 election.Olszewski said he supported Nikki Haley in the GOP primary this election cycle and won't support Trump after Jan.6, however, he reached out to ABC News Thursday night to vent over Biden's debate performance."This is an unmitigated disaster for Biden.

Shockingly bad," he wrote.Olszewski said the debate didn't change how he plans to vote, but he doesn't think Biden has done himself any favors."Doesn't change my perspective since inept is better than evil but not sure how it can help any undecided go toward Biden," he told ABC News.President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump participate in the CNN Presidential Debate, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta.Justin Sullivan/Getty ImagesIn the swing state of North Carolina, voters were sharply divided on the candidates' debate performances.At a watch party organized by the Biden campaign, some voters were adamant that Biden had a strong debate performance, while others expressed reservations to ABC News.MORE: What do swing state voters want to hear at the debate tonight?"It's obvious he's old.He's over 80 and that's obvious throughout the debate.

However, he's had several amazing moments," said Garrett Warner.When asked by ABC News which moments particularly stuck out to Warner, he said, "I can't remember any in specific, but there were several moments where Donald Trump said an outrageous thing."At a GOP watch party in North Carolina, River Collins told ABC News that Trump won the debate, "You see how articulate he is.He's very disciplined.

President Biden is all over the place.He's losin...

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Publisher: ABC News

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