Biden looks like a basket base in shocking debate performance He cant continue on

It’s a good thing for Joe Biden that the debate wasn’t held in Harlem’s famed Apollo Theater.The audience would have given him the hook and hooted him off the stage.That’s how bad he was. Our president is not fit to serve.

Forget concerns about how old and infirm he would be after a second term. He’s a basket case now. Biden took the debate stage looking like he just escaped from a wax museum and spent much of his speaking time chewing his words before trailing off.Several times he confused millions with billions and ended one incoherent sentence by saying “we finally beat Medicare.”Huh? The leader of the free world doesn’t look well enough to have a driver’s license or dress ­himself. Confused old manFor his part, Trump was solid and hit all the main areas where Biden has failed: inflation, the border and the economy. In a bid to broaden his appeal, he talked about helping black and Latino citizens and several times focused on how the millions of illegal migrants pose economic threats to the poorest Americans. The former president seemed well prepared and, I believe, minimized the danger the abortion issue presents by stressing that each state gets to decide and that whatever limits are imposed, there must be exceptions for the health of the mother. Several times Trump looked like he was getting hot over Biden’s insults, but managed to steady himself without saying anything that would scare ­voters. That was his main objective and he achieved it despite Biden’s clear goal of trying to get under his skin. But ordinary score-keeping does an injustice to what Americans witnessed.

In an unprecedented event, a sitting president of the United States looked like a confused old man knocking on death’s door. I say that not out of cruelty or with joy.It is simply a matter of fact that the condition of our president should alarm all of us. Biden’s undeniable decline must also be scaring our allies, who already worry that America is a...

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Publisher: New York Post

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