Father and daughter pilot Southwest Airlines plane together in memorable moment

Like father, like daughter.First Officer Mackenzie Rennhack shared the cockpit with her pilot dad, Captian Michael Rennhack, during her first flight for Southwest Airlines — and the family’s first flight together, according to the airline.Mackenzie knew from a young age that she wanted to be a pilot like her dad.

She even dressed up like him, complete with a pilot’s hat, while in elementary school.As a young girl, she was gifted a “discovery flight,” a short intro flight for those thinking about getting their pilot’s license.From then on, she knew she was meant to be in the skies behind the controls.

Mackenzie attended Arizona State University, where she enrolled in the University Pathway of the Southwest Airlines Destination pilot pathways program, to continue pursuing her dream.She’s since been hired as a first officer for Southwest, the airline said in a Facebook post.

She assisted her dad, Captain Mike, behind the controls in an emotional full-circle moment as her mom, brother and fiance joined them.“The weirdest thing was figuring out what to call you,” she said to her father on KNXV-TV with a laugh.

“It’s like, captain, Mike, dad.”...

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Publisher: New York Post

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