Two Woodstock goers return after 55 years to glamp and relive the famous festival

Beverly “Cookie” Grant hitchhiked to the Woodstock music festival in 1969 without a ticket and slept on straw.Ellen Shelburne arrived in a VW microbus and pitched a pup tent.Fifty-five years later, the two longtime friends finally got back to the garden, but this time in high style.The women, now 76, were recently treated to a two-bedroom glamping tent at the upstate New York site equipped with comfy beds, a shower, a coffee maker and Wi-Fi.No mud from drenching rains this time.

They sat in pavilion seats to watch shows by Woodstock veterans John Fogerty and Roger Daltrey.“We’re like hippie queens!” Grant joked over breakfast during the trip earlier this month.The Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, the not-for-profit organization that runs the site, rolled out the tie-dyed carpet for Grant and Shelburne to promote its new glamping facilities and to delve deeper into Shelburne’s trove of photos from the generation-defining festival held Aug.15-18, 1969.The once-trampled hillside by the main stage is now a manicured green space near a Woodstock-and-’60s-themed museum and the concert pavilion.But the return visit still bought back a flood of memories.

Shelburne was able to retrace the steps she took as a 21-year-old college student in the photos taken by her then-boyfriend, and future husband, David Shelburne.“I’m looking at this person in the photograph, who is me, but a person just starting out in life at that age.And now I’m looking back at sort of bookends of my life,” Ellen Shelburne said.

“All these decades later, I’m back at Woodstock and it just brings it all up in such a positive way.”Grant and Shelburne did not know each other in August 1969 and they attended the concert separately.Shelburne came from Columbus, Ohio, with David Shelburne, his best friend and another woman.They purchased tickets, got there early and bought ponchos at a local store after rain was forecast.

She slept in a pup tent.“I was never cold, wet, hungry...

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Publisher: New York Post

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