Armed robbers posing as delivery drivers raid Colorado family home, assault children

Armed robbers posing as delivery drivers stormed a Colorado family’s home, assaulting the two children and babysitter inside, before looting the house of its jewelry as the horrified parents could only watch from the doorbell camera.The brazen, caught-on-camera home invasion took place in the 4100 block of South Richfield Street of Aurora, CO at around 8:45 p.m.on June 12.

One of the suspects stood at the door wearing a high-visibility vest and holding a box waiting for someone to answer.“They were dressed in construction vests and claimed they were there to drop a package off.The suspects were holding a package and waited for the residents of the home to open the door,” the Aurora Police Department said.

“When they did, the suspects forced their way in and robbed the family.”Inside the home at the time was a 6-year-old boy, a 14-year-old girl and a caretaker, according to KDVR.The parents weren’t home at the time but called 911 immediately after being alerted to the armed men at their door.As the front door opened slightly the vest-wearing man pushed his way through, shouting in Spanish, and alerting two other men who raced to the door.One of the suspects appears to be holding a gun in his gloved right hand as he rushes into the house as a third man, masked in a black balaclava ran from a car parked outside.Yelling and screaming was picked up by the camera’s microphone as the three unidentified men looted the home of personal items, mostly jewelry and cash, the outlet reported.After raiding the home for only a minute, the three suspects hopped back in the car and raced off down the road.The frightened mother didn’t care about the “material things stolen” as they can be replaced, but was concerned about the trauma her children face during the robbery.Morning Report and Evening Update: Your source for today's top stories Please provide a valid email address.

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Publisher: New York Post

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