I Know Im Not a Young Man: Biden Confronts Doubters During Forceful Rally

President Biden on Friday delivered one of the most forceful performances of his campaign, acknowledging that he doesn’t “debate as well as I used to” but firing up a crowd of thousands of supporters by furiously accusing former President Donald J.Trump of being a “one-man crime wave.” Speaking to a large and boisterous crowd, Mr.

Biden, 81, tried to beat back a chorus of doubters that emerged following a devastating debate against Mr.Trump the night before, when he appeared disjointed and unclear.

On Friday, he was once again the fierce and loud-spoken campaigner that many had doubted still existed.He directly confronted questions about his age, saying that “I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious.” But he sought to minimize concerns about his own fitness for office, saying he would never run for re-election if he didn’t think he was up to the job.

And he repeatedly sought to cast the election as a choice between right and wrong, morality and criminality, an honest man and a convicted criminal.“I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to,” he said to roars of approval from the crowd in a fairgrounds hanger.“But I know what I do know.

I know how to tell the truth.I know right from wrong.

And I know how to do this job.I know how to get things done.” ...

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Publisher: The New York Times

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