Bidens Cabinet should consider 25th Amendment to remove prez after horrid debate performance: Speaker Johnson

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said Friday that high-level discussions should be taking place in President Biden’s Cabinet about invoking the 25th Amendment to make him step down after a disastrous debate performance the night before.“There’s a lot of people asking about invoking the 25th Amendment right now, because this is an alarming situation,” Johnson told reporters.“Our adversaries see the weakness in this White House, as we all do.”“I would ask the Cabinet members to search their hearts,” he added.

“I would be panicking too if I were a Democrat today and that was my nominee.I think they know they have a serious problem.”“But it’s not just political, it’s not just the Democratic Party — it’s the entire country,” Johnson assessed.

“We have a serious problem here because we have a president who by all appearances is not up to the task.”The 25th Amendment, proposed by Congress in 1965 following the assassination of John F.Kennedy and ratified by the states two years later, allows the Cabinet to declare the president unfit to discharge the powers and duties of office — and be succeeded by the vice president.Biden, 81, stumbled right out of the gate in the CNN debate.

He spoke with a raspy voice that his aides attributed to a cold and agonizingly froze up while trying to answer a question early in the forum.“Every single person here … has made a mistake,” Rep.Robert Garcia (D-Calif.), a Biden campaign surrogate, told reporters Friday when asked about the president staring into space before delivering a non sequitur about his administration having “finally beat Medicare.”More than eight in 10 Post readers said in a snap poll following the verbal slugfest that the president should drop out and not seek re-election.But a senior White House adviser told CNN Friday morning that Biden was already preparing to return to the debate stage for another round with Trump, 78, in September, a statement the president backed...

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Publisher: New York Post

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