Inmate filmed having sex with prison guard has 7-months pregnant girlfriend at home: Extremely upsetting

A prisoner who was allegedly filmed having sex with a prisoner officer inside a UK jail was incarcerated after committing an over $82,000 heist — and has a partner who is seven months pregnant at home.Linton Weirich, who was locked up at HMP Wandsworth in April for stealing over $82,000 worth of luxury goods from a Kensington flat in 2022, was filmed on a cellphone allegedly having sex with former prison officer Linda De Sousa Abreu, DailyMail reported.

Photographs on Weirich’s Instagram show he has the same arm tattoo as the man featured in the X-rated video.The inmate also has a partner who is seven months pregnant — whose health has been put at risk because of the now-viral video, someone close to the partner told MailOnline.“This is the last thing she needs in her condition, it’s extremely upsetting,” the person said.

“This stupid video has affected her health, she was hospitalized at the weekend through stress.She fears it will bring on premature labor,” the person added.

Weirich was sentenced to four and a half years for burglary dwelling and theft on June 7 at Kingston Crown Court. The footage, apparently taken inside HMP Wandsworth in south London, shows a uniformed prison officer allegedly having sex with a prisoner while his cellmate watches on and films.The 30-year-old prison worker, who is married, was charged with misconduct and appeared at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court on Monday.

She was apprehended at Heathrow Airport where she was about to board a flight to Madrid.De Sousa Abreu, a Portuguese national, had her Portuguese passport seized.

In court, she spoke only to confirm her name, address and date of birth and was granted conditional bail.De Sousa Abreu will appear in court on July 29....

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Publisher: New York Post

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