Italian teenager dubbed Gods influencer to be canonized as first millennial Catholic saint

Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager who designed a website documenting various Eucharistic miracles and led a faithful life before his death at age 15, will be canonized, the Vatican announced on Monday, July 1. Acutis was one of 15 people approved for canonization at an Ordinary Consistory of Cardinals on Monday, according to the Vatican News website. “It’s incredible to hear this news,” Alex Jones, CEO and co-founder of the Christian prayer app Hallow, told Fox News Digital in a text message. “Blessed Carlo is an incredible inspiration for us at Hallow,” he said.“It can so often feel like the world is going in the wrong direction and that technology is doing more harm than good, but God is still at work.” God, said Jones, “is still raising saints and He can use everything, including technology, to build up His kingdom.” During his life, Acutis was “welcoming and caring toward the poorest, and he helped the homeless, the needy and immigrants with the money he saved from his weekly allowance,” said Cardinal Marcelo Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of the Saints, in a short presentation about Acutis’ life. Upon his canonization, Acutis will be the first canonized Catholic saint to have been born between the years 1981 and 1996 – leading some to nickname him “God’s Influencer.” Born on May 3, 1991, in London, Acutis was a devout Catholic who created a website to document Eucharistic miracles, Fox News Digital previously reported. He died on Oct.

12, 2006, in Monza, Italy, shortly after a leukemia diagnosis. After his death, his website and legacy lived on — and in 2020, a miracle attributed to his intercession was approved and recognized by the Vatican.He was beatified, or given the title “Blessed,” in October of that year. The Vatican’s announcement on Monday marked the final approval needed before Acutis can be given the official title of “Saint Carlo Acutis.” While the Catholic Church ack...

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Publisher: New York Post

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