How Richard Nixon covertly helped Ronald Reagan pass tax cuts: New book

There are political insiders and then there’s Ken Khachigian.A longtime aide to President Richard Nixon and a chief speechwriter to President Ronald Reagan, Khachigian was right there for some pivotal moments in US History.

His new book, “Behind Closed Doors: In the Room with Reagan & Nixon” (Post Hill Press, July 23), gives readers unprecedented access.In this excerpt, he writes about advising Reagan — with input from Nixon — after the Gipper was shot in 1981 and how they cannily used public sympathy to pass key legislation.

With Reagan in home rehab after the assassination attempt, the White House planning began for a dramatic return and major address to a joint session of Congress.  It was no secret; we were going to exploit all his heroic national goodwill to sell this economic plan.***I returned a call from Nixon, and he offered wide-ranging advice.“Ken, on the economy, don’t go to the well too often, and don’t worry about minor GOP defections,” he advised.As for Reagan’s health, “I’ll be quite direct.

It’s hard to come back from an operation.Don’t waste the asset [public sympathy].

On the first time out, don’t give a dull, major speech.” Nixon’s value was always bringing in historical perspective — in this case, going back to the days after President Eisenhower’s stroke in 1957.“They counted all his slips of tongue,” he recalled.

“So, Reagan might say, ‘I hear a lot of questions these days: Regarding the state of my health; the state of my health is excellent.The state of the union is good.

The state of the economy is bad.So now is the time for cutting back on taxes.’”***The next day, Reagan waved me into the residence’s Yellow Oval Room with a beaming smile to talk with chief of staff James Baker and counsellor Edwin Meese regarding the speech to Congress. Wearing slacks, slippers and a red sweater, the President appeared to have gained back much of his strength.

Despite a raspy voice, he looked...

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Publisher: New York Post

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