Justin Bieber said he wanted to protect Billie Eilish from music industry in video that resurfaced after Sean Diddy Combs sex crimes arrest

Years-old remarks Justin Bieber made about wanting to “protect” Billie Eilish from the music industry have resurfaced in the wake of Sean “Diddy” Combs’ arrest for alleged sex trafficking and racketeering.  Bieber, 30, shared his feelings toward Eilish in 2020 while speaking with Apple Music’s Zane Lowe ahead of the release of his album, “Changes.”A tearful Bieber told Lowe about his own experiences in the music industry as a young artist.After becoming an overnight success at just 14, the “Baby” singer signed to the record label of Combs’ protégée Usher in 2008. “It was hard for me being that young and being in the industry and not knowing where to turn, and everyone telling me they loved me, and turn their back on you in a second,” Bieber said. “I just want to protect her,” the singer added of Eilish, who was only 18 at the time of Bieber’s interview.

“I don’t want her to go through anything I went through.I don’t wish that upon anybody.” Like Bieber, Eilish rocketed into the stratosphere of superstardom quickly and at a young age.

Her debut album, “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?,” went to No.1 in the US and spawned several hit singles. Speaking about his personal struggles that played out in the public eye as he came of age, Bieber said that at some points “it was bad … it was dark.“Think about how young I was and so impressionable and you have everybody telling me how awesome I am at all times,” he explained.

“I just want people to understand the psychology of why I potentially could have problems in my life.”The pop hitmaker also confessed that he has been “living in this shame” with “all this sort of stuff with my past.” As for Eilish, he hopes he could be “a good example” for her. “If she ever needs me I’m gonna be here for her.I’m just a call away.” Though Bieber does not mention Combs by name in the interview, many on social media have drawn their own conclu...

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Publisher: New York Post

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