Martha Stewarts sexy secrets: Cheating, naked pool parties and fantasies about a famous actor

Domesticity diva Martha Stewart is “blatantly lying” when she claims her ex-husband, longtime New York publisher Andrew Stewart, was unaware that she had cheated on him during their turbulent 30-year marriage, a source exclusively told The Post.“Andy certainly was well aware of any and all of Martha’s affairs and pseudo affairs and her many flirtations from day one,” a close confidant of Andy’s told me.“He knew of all the men who were in and out of her life, real or fantasized.

But there was no secret lover, as Martha maintains.Andy knew everything Martha was up to, was aware of every guy.”According to the insider, “Andy’s just very pissed off” that Martha’s using him and their failed marriage — which ended more than three decades ago — to promote “Martha,” the much-hyped Netflix documentary about her life that begins streaming Wednesday.In promoting the film, Martha, 83, has admitted to cheating on Andy during their marriage.

She boasts it was “very easy” to keep her claimed affair a secret from him for some three decades, advising viewers, “You have to be circumspect” — meaning being wary and unwilling to take risks.As the author of “Just Desserts,” the New York Times bestseller about Martha, I revealed that she was, in fact, a risk-taker when it came to indiscretions outside of her marriage.Among other incidents, sources told me how Martha once ran off for a night with a handsome stranger she and Andy met on their honeymoon in England, leaving her groom shocked and forced to sleep alone.Later, she would allegedly host swinger-like pool parties — flirting and cozying up to male guests — at Turkey Hill, the Westport, Conn., estate made popular in her magazine, Martha Stewart Living, and on her TV shows.“Men chasing Martha, or her involvements, real or imagined, was never a secret to Andy, or to the couple’s close friends back in the day,” alleged the insider.

“Martha will do anything for the publicity fa...

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Publisher: New York Post

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