Wonder woman, indeed.Gal Gadot underwent emergency brain surgery after discovering a “massive” blood clot while she was pregnant with her fourth daughter, Ori.The actress revealed the health diagnosis in a forthcoming Instagram post on Sunday.“In February, during my eighth month of pregnancy, I was diagnosed with a massive blood clot in my brain.For weeks, I had endured excruciating headaches that confined me to bed, until I finally underwent an MRI that revealed the terrifying truth,” Gadot, 39, wrote.
“In one moment, my family and I were faced with how fragile life can be.It was a stark reminder of how quickly everything can change, and in the midst of a difficult year, all I wanted was to hold on and live.”The “Wonder Woman 1984” star underwent “emergency surgery” within hours of arriving to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA.
Ori was then born during “that moment of uncertainty and fear.”Gadot and her husband, film producer Jaron Varsano, are parents of four daughters — Alma, 13, Maya, 7, Daniella, 3, and Ori, 9 months.They tied the knot in September 2008.Ori’s name means “my light,” which “wasn’t chosen by chance,” according to Gadot.“Before the surgery, I told Jaron that when our daughter arrived, she would be the light waiting for me at the end of this tunnel,” she explained via Instagram.
“Thanks to an extraordinary team of doctors at @cedarssinai and weeks of dedicated care, I made it through and began the road to recovery.Today, I am fully healed and filled with gratitude for the life I’ve been given back.”“The journey has taught me so much.
First, it’s vital to listen to our bodies and trust what it’s telling us.Pain, discomfort, or even subtle changes often carry deeper meaning, and being attuned to your body can be life saving,” she continued.“Second, awareness matters.
I had no idea that 3 in 100,000 pregnant women in the 30s+ age group are diagnosed with CVT(develop a blood clot in the brai...