First Instagram, now a new teaser.Meghan Markle shared the first trailer for her Netflix lifestyle series on Thursday.In the “With Love, Meghan” teaser, the Duchess of Sussex, 43, shows off her cooking and gardening skills with appearances from her celebrity friends including Mindy Kaling, Roy Choi, Alice Waters and her former “Suits” co-star Abigail Spencer.“I’ve always loved taking something pretty ordinary and elevating it,” Markle says while hard at work in the kitchen.“Surprising people with moments that let them know I was really thinking of them,” she adds, as The Lovin’ Spoonful’s “Do You Believe in Magic” plays in the background.Markle gives a piece of cake to Kaling, who tells the former actress, “This is probably one of the most glamorous moments of my life.”Markle also goes shopping for flowers and says in a voiceover, “I’m gonna share some little tips and tricks.
I see what color I gravitate to and everything goes from there.”“This is about connecting with friends,” Markle later says, as she hosts her girlfriends.“Making new friends.
And just learning,” she adds.The mom of two also declares, “We’re not in the pursuit of perfection.We’re in the pursuit of joy.”Prince Harry briefly appears at the end of the trailer.
He gives his wife a hug as they have drinks in their hands.Markle also shared the trailer on her new Instagram page, writing, “I have been so excited to share this with you! I hope you love the show as much as I loved making it.Wishing you all a fantastic new year! Thanks to our amazing crew and the team @netflix.
Beyond grateful for the support – and fun!”Directed by Michael Steed, “With Love, Meghan” premieres Jan.15 with 8 episodes, each 33 minutes long.
Markle and Harry, 40, produced the series via their Archewell Productions company.Netflix’s logline reads, “This inspiring series, produced by Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, reimagines the genre of lifestyle programming, bl...