Hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking, has transformed the United States into the Saudi Arabia of natural gas — but not in New York, where foolish politicians like Gov.Hochul stubbornly refuse to tap the enormous wealth beneath our feet.Two giant shale formations sit beneath much of northeastern North America.The relatively shallow Marcellus Shale extends from West Virginia into New York’s Southern Tier region.The Utica Shale, which lies below the Marcellus and may hold even more natural gas, extends further northwest into Canada and further east toward Albany — a vast swath of the Empire State.Together, these two formations are estimated to hold at least 500 to 1,000 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas, distributed throughout their extent.While it’s difficult to determine exactly how much of the gas lies within New York’s borders, one study from the New York Energy Research and Development Authority estimated it at between 160 and 300 Tcf — enough to supply the state’s total natural gas needs for up to 300 years, at current consumption rates.At today’s market value, New York’s reserves could be worth up to $1 trillion.Rather than exploit the economic benefits this offers, however, New York has allowed environmental hysteria to crush its nascent fracking industry, beginning with a moratorium imposed by Gov.
David Patterson in 2008.Legislation banning fracking entirely was signed in 2014 by Gov.Andrew Cuomo, who also effectively banned new natural gas pipelines that would have transported Pennsylvania’s low-cost natural gas to New York.Last month, Hochul piled on, signing legislation banning the use of carbon dioxide for fracking instead of water.
“We’re not fracking ..
.we’re not going backwards,” she said in September.Fracking is an extraction method that injects high-pressure liquid or gas into fissures in subterranean rock to release energy resources.Environmental zealots have cited multiple reasons to oppose it, fro...