Wild video has emerged of the Bourbon Street shootout between police and New Orleans terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar — showing New Year’s revelers running for their lives as shots rang out in the French Quarter.“What the f–k! A guy just f–king died,” the videographer yells while filming Jabbar’s rented white Ford pickup truck after it crashed into a construction vehicle on the bustling street early Wednesday morning.Not one second later, dozens of shots are heard in the gunfight between police and Jabbar, 42, who had just plowed the pickup into crowds celebrating the New Year, killing 14 people and injuring over 30 others.As the gunfire pops off, the videographer, along with the entire crowd, makes a mad dash for safety, the footage shows.“Oh sh-t! Oh hell no!,” the man recording shouts.The door of the Ford pickup appears to be open and a figure who seems to be engaging with police can be seen briefly in the right side of the video prior to the videographer taking cover inside a Bourbon Street business.One officer can be seen in the video falling backward as he fires in the direction of the truck.Other folks are seen in various states of reaction — one person walks past the wreckage, seemingly oblivious to the chaos going on around him until the shots ring out.
Jabbar, who declared his allegiance to ISIS in videos posted to social media prior to the car-attack, was killed during the police shootout.Defiant party-goers took to Bourbon Street on Thursday in defiance of the act of terror.“The big reason why we came is to spite them,” Mississippian Mark Beaden told The Post, adding, “The hell with ISIS.”“They can kiss my a–, how about that,” he said with finality....