In GOP-dominated Washington, Dems face “a crossroads: Resistance at all costs or adopt a policy of strategic cooperation with the Trump administration.For the good of the Democratic Party, and indeed the country, Democrats must choose the latter,” argues Doug Schoen at The Hill.After voters nixed “Democrats’ approach to key issues such as the economy, immigration, crime, government waste, and social issues, across-the-board resistance is simply bad politics.”No “need to abandon their principles”; fight away “if the administration veers to the extreme.”But “the party will be best served by working with the administration to forge bipartisan compromise on the most important issues facing the country,” such as “the economy, immigration, crime and cutting government excess.”“The Alternative for Germany is a leper in German political life” because it opposes “Germany’s lax immigration policies,” notes City Journal’s Heather Mac Donald.And “commitment to unlimited migration from non-Western countries is today the West’s constitutive principle,” so Western elites have equated the party with Nazis.“But the tide is turning in Germany.” “Establishment parties across Europe have been trying to co-opt the populist immigration message.”“Border checkpoints have gone up throughout Europe in the last half-year.”“Mass immigration into the West is the defining issue of the twenty-first century.
The AfD and its continental counterparts realize how precious is the Western inheritance and how urgently it deserves defense.Their warnings should be heeded before it is too late.”At times, leftist efforts against Donald have been “sinister — and conspiratorial,” setting “precedents, if ever again followed,” that would “destroy the republic as we have known it,” warns Victor Davis Hanson at American Greatness.In Russiagate, “a paranoid Clinton campaign” hired Christopher Steele “to fabricate a ‘dossier’ of i...