Craig Conover has addressed his breakup with Paige DeSorbo.The “Southern Charm” star, 35, made a video on his Instagram Stories on Tuesday and finally spoke about their shocking split.“This has all been very, very unexpected to say the least,” said Conover.“But I guess life has to — I gotta start living again, whatever that looks like, whatever my new normal looks like, I have to start.”“Right before the holidays, I was very shocked,” he added about the breakup.
“It’s okay.It takes two people to be in a relationship.
You can’t control other people, you can only control how you react to it.”“Remember to be kind to Paige, and me and yourselves, and all of that good stuff,” he went on.“I’m still processing everything, which is normal.
Three year relationship.It’s your best friend who you talk to all day, every day, and then they’re just gone.”Conover concluded, “One day I’ll be able to talk more on it.
But right now I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind messages.It has been really nice to read them and it’s just life.”The Bravolebrities were together for three years and recently sparked engagement rumors just weeks before DeSorbo announced they had decided to go their separate ways.The “Summer House” star, 32, broke the news on her “Giggly Squad” podcast with co-host Hannah Berner on Monday, noting she and Conover “have decided to no longer be together.”“It’s weird, it’s very weird.
I wasn’t expecting this,” DeSorbo shared.“Obviously, when we first started dating, you don’t think, ‘Oh, what will happen? Will we get married, will we not?’ You’re just kind of like in this relationship.”“Not to sound traditional and old-fashioned, this is not a situation where I have, like, a 50-part series of ‘Who the f–k was I dating?’” she joked of the TikTok trend.
“Could not be more opposite of that.”DeSorbo went on to say that she has “so much love and respect for Craig....