Rangers broadcaster John Giannone announced on Tuesday that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Giannone, who serves as the studio host and reporter on Rangers broadcasts on MSG Networks, revealed the diagnosis during the pregame show ahead of Tuesday’s game against the Stars, which was also Hockey Fights Cancer Night at Madison Square Garden. “A month ago today I was diagnosed with prostate cancer,” he revealed on air.“It came after a routine yearly physical.
A heightened blood test that led to an MRI and then finally a biopsy that produced the diagnosis.” The broadcaster described his prognosis as “excellent” and said that his treatment to fight the cancer had already gotten underway. Giannone has worked at MSG Networks since 2002 as a studio host and reporter and has filled in on occasion doing play-by-play for Rangers TV voice Sam Rosen. “MSG Networks and the New York Rangers stand with John, and we are proud that he chose ‘Hockey Fights Cancer’ Night to share his story and encourage others to get tested early,” the network said in a statement provided to The Post.The veteran broadcaster called the support he’s received following the diagnosis “overwhelming” from his family, friends and colleagues. Giannone also gave a special shoutout to fellow broadcaster and former NHL goaltender Steve Valiquette for his support. “Steve really picked up the ball and was there from the very first minute to help advocate for expedited care,” he said.“Steven made all the difference in the world to me.
I’ll be forever grateful and it really is what tonight is all about.” Sign up for Larry Brooks' Inside the Rangers, a weekly Sports+ exclusive.Please provide a valid email address.
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