An online prankster showed fans his health was no laughing matter as he revealed his “insane” body transformation after a two-year hiatus on YouTube.Content creator David Dobrik, who has 17 million subscribers, returned online Tuesday where he unveiled his new appearance to his pals in a 14-minute and 20-second video documenting his fitness journey.“Oh my God,” comedian and actor Josh Peck said.“I can not believe you have like a full six-pack,” YouTuber Olivia Jade stated.“Holy s—t,” a friend screamed as he unveiled his muscular body.In 2024, Dobrik quietly focused on trimming his fat with trainer and CEO of Xeela Fitness Ilya Fedorovich.“This is crazy that I look like this.
I don’t know what happened,” Dobrik said in a documentary posted on Xeela Fitness’ YouTube page on Tuesday.“I’ve never ever taken my health seriously.”Dobrik’s body fat percentage started at 27.8 when he made a bet with Fedorovich that the pair would take a trip if he could improve his physique.Over the year, Fedorovich pushed Dobrik to run laps, play tennis, box, lift weights and wrestle as they traveled worldwide to exercise in places like Italy, Peru and Slovakia. There were hard times too.A handful of clips showed Dobrik and Fedorovich feuding about his unhealthy food choices and alcohol consumption which caused him to stop seeing results for two months.“An unfortunate moment happened to me during this transformation in which I had to accept defeat and realize that maybe my methods weren’t the best way to go about things,” Dobrik confessed.Fedorovich created a 75-day challenge to help the YouTuber back on track.At the end of his journey, Dobrik’s body fat percentage dropped to 13.1 percent and he gained 10.5 pounds of muscle. “I couldn’t be more grateful for the people around me that pushed me this year to be a better version of myself,” Dobrik wrote on his Instagram.
“I owe everything to all my friends and especially Ilya who has literal...