Fuming Los Angeles residents tore into their absent Mayor Karen Bass, who was in Africa on a delegation mission as raging fires turned the City of Angels into an apocalyptic hellscape Tuesday.“RESIGN! WHY ARE YOU IN GHANA?!,” one person commented on an X post by Bass’ office giving an update on the wildfires.Bass was part of the four-person delegation for the inauguration of Ghanan President John Dramani Mahama.“Hey Karen! How’s Ghana?” another person asked.“LA you ask? Yeah it’s burning to the f–king ground but it’s better you’re not here anyways because you’re useless.”Others demanded Bass, who took office in 2022, to resign from her post.“you’re a disgrace & embarrassment to our country,” one comment read.“You need to resign you incompetent fool,” said another.LA developer Rick Caruso, who lost the 2022 mayoral race against Bass, called his former opponent out for her “failure” of leadership and absence during the escalating situation. “It’s all about leadership management, that we’re seeing a failure of, and all these residents are paying the ultimate price for that,” Caruso told the local Fox 11.When asked why there isn’t water in the fire hydrants — as emergency responders battling the growing blazes report bone-dry hydrants — Caruso pointed the blame directly at Bass. “I think you should start asking … Why don’t you call the mayor, who is out of the country, and ask her? Get an answer from her,” Caruso said. According to the outlet, Bass was heading back to Los Angeles and would likely be back in a matter of hours. Former Acting Director of National Intelligence of the United States Richard Grenell also noted Bass’ absence in a post on X, writing, “The national media hasn’t even mentioned that Karen Bass is in Africa while our city is literally burning to the ground.”Criticism of Bass flooded X, where Ashley Hayek, president of America First Works, noted, “This is INSANE.�...