Actor Mel Gibson and podcaster Joe Rogan ripped into California Governor Gavin Newsom for being unprepared to handle the wildfires tearing through Los Angeles.“The Patriot” actor, 69, appeared on the “Joe Rogan Experience” Thursday, and the two were quick to point out that the Golden State spent billions of taxpayers’ money on homelessness but claimed the state spent “zip” on measures that could have helped prevent the wildfires.“We were just talking about the wildfire situation and how crazy it is that they spent $24 billion dollars last year on the homeless, and what did they spend on preventing these wildfires?” Rogan, 57, asked.“Zero,” Gibson replied.“Zip.”The “Braveheart” star then slammed Newsom for not following through on things he said he would do to help prevent wildfires when he first took office.“In 2019, I think Newsom said, you know, ‘I’m going to take care of the forest and maintain the forest’ and do all that kind of stuff,” Gibson said.
“He didn’t do anything.”“And on top of that, they cut the water off,” Rogan added, alluding to reports that California firefighters are running out of water as they battle the raging infernos across the area.“I think all our tax dollars probably went for Gavin’s hair gel,” the actor quipped.“… It’s sad.
The place is just on fire.”The two later tore into how “poorly managed” California has become and how “frustrating and confusing” its leadership is.Rogan criticized the 40th governor of California for appearing on TV in the past and bolstering the idea that it’s the “best” state in the US with an “amazing economy.”“You’re out of your f–king mind, dude.You’ve ruined this state.
Personally ruined it,” the UFC commentator said.Earlier in the interview, Gibson mentioned that his son Milo is part of a volunteer fire brigade in Malibu.He told his dad that fires were raging in the actor’s neighborhood, and he sent him a video of...