The winds of change are blowing, and the lunar nodes are shifting signs, my friends.On January 11, 2025, the North Node of the Moon transitions from Aries to Pisces, while the South Node transitions from Libra into Virgo.
We will be under the heady influence of the axis of practical magic until July 26, 2026, making this a serious season of karmic lessons and profound transformation.The lunar nodes are not planets or celestial bodies but two calculated points between the sun’s ecliptic and the moon’s orbit.
Their position changes signs every 18 months.The karmic axis, or zodiac polarity, in which the nodes fall, corresponds to the annual phases of solar and lunar eclipses.In almost all schools of astrology, from Vedic to Hellenistic, the lunar nodes are described as a dragon.
The North Node is the mouth, and the South Node is the tail.While the South Node indicates past life patterns, the North Node provides the framework for our soul’s work in this time-space reality.Helping us better understand the power of the nodes as they set up shop in a different pair of polarities is brilliant astrologer and tarot reader Letao Wang.Wang told The Post, “The North Node points to your life purpose and the lessons you’re here in this lifetime to learn, urging growth and NEW experiences.
In contrast, the South Node reflects past life karma, innate talents, and comfort zones you’re meant to release in this incarnation.” Find out what the stars reveal about your day with our Daily Horoscopes newsletter.Please enter your name & birthday below Please provide a valid email address.
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He conceives of the nodes as the gateway of destiny.“The North Node pushes you toward spiritual evolution, while the South ...