An off-the-record conversation about UFOs and alien civilizations late former President Jimmy Carter, who died last month at age 100, had with a reporter has been revealed.Scott Simon, of NPR, recalled a phone conversation he had with Carter in the “late 1900s” while writing a story on a support group for people who believed they were victims of alien abductions.The then-reporter and now-columnist called Carter and had an eye-opening off-the-record conversation on the eerie subject, which Simon is now sharing in light of the centenarian’s death.“The way I see it, there’s nothing to fear,” Carter said.
“If there is life out there, we’re still part of the same master plan.God’s hands are big enough to hold us both.”Carter also shared his thoughts on the likelihood and possible behavior of visiting aliens.“So based on what you’ve seen you have no reason to think there’s life out there?” Simon asked the peanut farmer.“I don’t know that,” Carter replied, “But if there is, it has nothing to do with UFOs.
If there’s some other civilization out there, I doubt they’d send big, bulky airships.They’d probably just keep watch and leave us alone.”The reporter said he was “struck by President Carter’s thoughtfulness” on the oft-debated matter.The former governor of Georgia once witnessed a UFO and shared the tale of the encounter with GQ magazine in 2005.“I saw an unidentified flying object,” he said of his experience, which occurred in 1969.Carter said “about 25 of us men” at a Lions Club supper where he was slated to speak saw the otherworldly sight.“And all of a sudden, one of the men looked up and said, ‘Look, over in the West!’ And there was a bright light in the sky.
We all saw it.And then the light, it got closer and closer to us.
And then it stopped, I don’t know how far away, but it stopped beyond the pine trees/ And all of a sudden it changed color to blue, and then it changed to red, then back to whi...