A young California mom forced to evacuate her home to escape the Los Angeles wildfires this week posted one of the most moving tweets I saw as the disaster unfolded.Her kids had just minutes to pack a single bag of anything they wanted to save before they fled, and she shared what her preschool-aged daughter chose to salvage: her stuffies.The entire backpack was filled with stuffed animals. The photo brought me to tears: I know that’s what most of my kids would do, too.These tragic wildfires have impacted rich and poor, destroying powerful, influential communities and working-class neighborhoods alike.Even Vice President Kamala Harris’ home was under an evacuation order. The heart-rending coverage is reminding millions of Americans of the importance of home, of our sense of belonging.Especially for kids.This week Harris, more than almost anyone else in Washington, should understand that significance.That’s what makes Monday’s CBS News report on Harris and her successor, Vice President-elect JD Vance, so troubling. Vance, his wife Usha and their three small children are set to move into the veep’s official residence at the US Naval Observatory on Inauguration Day, Jan.
20 — yet Harris, its current occupant, has refused to let them tour it.Move-in day, Jennifer Jacobs reported, will be the Vance family’s “first time inside the white Queen Anne-style mansion that has been home to vice presidents since the 1970s.” JD and Usha Vance’s children are 7, 4 and 2.They’ve grown up down the block from extended family in Ohio and just endured an unsettling six months as their father shuttled around the country campaigning.Before that, their dad had to split his time between their Ohio home and Washington while serving as a US senator. It has surely been a struggle for these young parents to maintain their children’s sense of stability amid so much uncertainty and stress. They’ve done so admirably.
Throughout the campaign, Vance was often photog...