Ashes, ashes, we all chow down?A Colorado mom was appalled after discovering that her sons might have eaten their grandfather’s ashes, as detailed in a hilariously macabre TikTok video with more than 2.4 million views.“The boys got PawPaw!” Monica Long exclaimed in the clip while describing their alleged grandpa slam breakfast.The single mother of three claimed she left her two toddlers, ages 3 and 2, alone for a moment in early January so she could use the bathroom while prepping for a birthday party, People magazine reported.The Coloradan was only in there for several minutes, but when she returned she saw that the boys were playing in what looked like white dirt.During the four minutes she’d been gone, the two hellions had managed to smear the soot all over their faces, bodies and the floor.
“I was like, ‘Where did this dirt come from?'” recalled Long, who vacuumed up the mess.Then, days later, she discovered the empty container that had housed their grandfather’s ashes, and the horrifying truth dawned on her — the “dirt” was his cremated remains.“They got him and they dumped him out all over my carpet,” wailed the distraught mom in the TikTok video while holding the cross-shaped urn.“And I didn’t realize it was PawPaw and I vacuumed him up.”She even speculated that the tiny terrors may have engaged in postmortem cannibalism, claiming: “They may have eaten some of him too because [one of them] had the cap in his mouth.
Jesus Christ.F–k!”The scene evoked the similar horror of the cat using grandma’s ashes as a litterbox in Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro’s 2000 comedy “Meet the Parents.” (Perhaps “Eat the Parents,” in this case.)As for how her children accessed the ashes, Long said: “PawPaw was on a shelf, out of their reach, but they’re climbers.
They climbed their little way up and got ahold of him.”She speculated that the little ash-holes then used their mouths to unscrew the cap.“They’re just gettin...