Breathtaking: There’s no other word for the sheer ambition and scope of President Donald Trump’s second inaugural address.Trump is back, with all the confidence of a man delivered from death for a purpose.Voters saved his political life and legacy by reelecting him in the face of every accusation and criminal charge against him.Trump has been given a second chance — by God and the country alike — and his address left no doubt he intends to use it to transform America.“The future is ours, and our golden age has just begun,” he promised.Other presidents have struck optimistic notes, but Trump laid out an agenda bolder than any since the New Deal — and the very words of this inaugural address could change Washington, drawing new battle-lines and scrambling old playbooks.John F.Kennedy pledged to take America to the moon; Trump says we will “plant the stars and stripes on the planet Mars.”The president backed away from nothing he vowed on the campaign trail or in the weeks since his re-election.He described the immigration crisis in the language supporters and opponents alike have come to expect, but probably no one guessed he’d invoke legislation from 1798 regarding “alien enemies” as his authority for a new push against the foreign gangs and criminal groups operating in our country.And cartels ferrying drugs and human beings across our borders will now officially be designated as terrorist organizations.There’s even an order to redefine birthright citizenship so the children of illegal immigrants won’t automatically be considered American.Trump reiterated his belief that Panama has not lived up to its obligations to America concerning the Canal, overcharging our ships for passage and giving China too much influence over this critical strategic waterway.Yet “fire and fury” wasn’t the theme of Trump’s address.Quite the contrary: “My proudest legacy will be that of a peacemaker and a unifier,” he said.Trump’s plans for the milit...