Blake Lively had a scathing response to Justin Baldoni releasing raw footage from the set of their movie “It Ends With Us.”In a statement provided to The Post, Lively’s legal team said the video that Baldoni, 40, shared on Tuesday “corroborates, to the letter,” her allegations of sexual harassment rather than vindicating him, as his team have claimed.“Justin Baldoni and his lawyer may hope that this latest stunt will get ahead of the damaging evidence against him, but the video itself is damning,” the statement began.“Every frame of the released footage corroborates, to the letter, what Ms.
Lively described in Paragraph 48 of her Complaint.” Lively’s lawsuit alleges that during a “slow dance scene,” Baldoni “leaned forward and slowly dragged his lips from her ear and down her neck as he said, ‘it smells so good.’” In the footage that Baldoni’s lawyer shared on Tuesday, which appears to show the “slow dance scene” in question, Lively can be heard joking that she’s “probably getting spray tan on” Baldoni, who laughs and replies, “It smells good.” Lively then replies, “Well, it’s not that.It’s my body makeup.”“The video shows Mr.
Baldoni repeatedly leaning in toward Ms.Lively, attempting to kiss her, kissing her forehead, rubbing his face and mouth against her neck, flicking her lip with his thumb, caressing her, telling her how good she smells, and talking with her out of character,” Lively’s lawyers continued.“Every moment of this was improvised by Mr.
Baldoni with no discussion or consent in advance, and no intimacy coordinator present.Mr.
Baldoni was not only Ms.Lively’s co-star, but the director, the head of studio and Ms.
Lively’s boss.”The “Gossip Girl” alum’s legal team went on to state that the footage is evidence that Lively was the victim of “unwanted touching” at the hands of Baldoni.“The video shows Ms.Lively leaning away and repeatedly asking for the characters to jus...