Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag are taking legal action after losing their home in the deadly Palisades Fire.“The Hills” alums are suing the city of Los Angeles and the L.A.Department of Water and Power (DWP) over the damage to their $3 million house, which was destroyed in the destructive wildfire earlier this month, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Pratt, 41, and his wife, 38, filed the lawsuit on Tuesday, alleging inverse condemnation — defined by the outlet as a legal concept that gives property owners compensation or damage caused by public use.The “Laguna Beach” stars claim the city and DWP are to blame for losing their home — and cite several reasons for their allegations, including water supply.In the suit, Pratt and Montag allege that a nearby reservoir was empty — and had been for months — when the fire near their property ignited, per TMZ.They claim that water flow to fire hydrants and tankers in the beloved Pacific Palisades neighborhood — home to stars like Ben Affleck, Tom Hanks, Anthony Hopkins, Billy Crystal and Eugene Levy — was limited to firefighters who ran out of water while trying to battle the blaze.The reality TV couple accuses DWP of trying to cut costs by draining the reservoir and seeking bids for repairs.They are also blaming the city and DWP for an alleged faulty water system design, claiming the infrastructure could not effectively fight wildfires — an accusation they say city officials admitted to after the fire broke out.Pratt and Montag are among 20 others suing the city and DWP for damages after losing their homes in the disastrous Palisades Fire.
The Post has reached out to L.A.City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto’s office and the DWP for comment.The pair recently spoke about watching their property burn to the ground, with Montag sobbing over the destruction.
“I’m so sad our house is gone.I wish I could have gone back and got more,” she tearfully admitted on TikTok.
“I didn’t think it wo...