An OnlyFans model was arrested in Turkey for announcing her plans to set a record for sleeping with more than 100 men in 24 hours.Azranur AV, whose real name is Ezra Vandan, was charged with obscenity, resisting an officer on duty and slander after the model revealed her promiscuous plans on social media, The Sun reported.“My goal is to break first a Turkish record and then the world,” the 23-year-old model wrote on X alongside an image of her sitting on a bed wearing red lingerie.“I start with 100 men in 24 hours.
We will be editing the application and details soon with my team and sending them to you.” The world record is currently held by fellow OnlyFans star Bonnie Blue who claims she slept with 1,057 men in less than 24 hours.But Vandan faced a challenge due to Turkey banning the platform in 2023.Vandan’s post to her 231,000 fans was quickly discovered by the Istanbul Public Security Branch Directorate’s Morality Bureau, the outlet reported.Officials called her plans “obscene” and damaging” to national morale.Cops were sent out to track down Vandan and arrest her as she was in the process of getting a cosmetic surgery operation.Police nabbed her 25-year-old Iranian husband Pedram Behdar Vandan.He has since been released.Video of the arrest showed officers escorting the couple down the stairs.The busty brunette wore leggings and a black cop top with a white bandage wrapped around her head as officers put her in a van.The sex worker reportedly tried to capitalize on the opportunity and had one of the officers allegedly take a photo during her arrest, the outlet reported.“I had the photo taken by one of the officers, he didn’t object much,” she reportedly said.During a court hearing with the Istanbul 6th Criminal Judgeship of Peace, officials pushed for prison time accusing Vandan of “damaging to moral values” and being “provocative to society,” per The Sun.Vandan reportedly insisted that she did “not deserve to be judged.”The...