Joe Rogan claimed liberals were playing “bulls–t” games and “crying wolf” after Elon Musk faced accusations of making a Nazi salute during festivities for President Donald Trump’s inauguration on Monday.“This is the Donald Trump excuse: You’d do anything you can to stop Hitler,” Rogan, 57, told computer scientist and podcaster Lex Fridman during his Wednesday show — seemingly referring to the hypothetical thought question often used about killing “baby Hitler” if given the chance.“This is why they want to conflate and they always want to pretend that everyone’s Hitler.The problem with that, after a while, it’s crying wolf, and people are like, ‘Oh, this is a bulls–t game you’re playing and you’re just using it as an excuse.”The podcast host pointed out that Musk has “talked about” the issue “a lot” and that he’s “absolutely correct.”“People use woke ideology as an excuse to be an a–hole, and it’s really just people that are a–holes that are attaching themselves to things that make them feel righteous,” he said. The UFC commentator said those people “wrap themselves in this idea to give them virtue,” giving them a reason to “say the most awful things about other people that have different perspectives.”“By nature, if you’re doing that, you’re doing the wrong thing.
You’re a bad person,” Rogan proclaimed.Rogan added that the thought process leads people down “the wrong path,” and “intelligent, aware people who have control of their emotions recognize that,” and they won’t be “taken seriously.”The mega podcaster’s comments come after Musk appeared to thank supporters of President Trump with a gesture that the critics claimed was a Nazi salute during a rally for the 47th prez on Monday.The billionaire tech mogul quickly came out and denied it was the Nazi salute — arguing the left-wingers making those accusations “need better dirty tricks.”“Frankly, they need be...