DAVOS, Switzerland — Donald Trump says he’s serious about an acquisition, possibly hostile, of that place called Greenland, a snowy very large venue that nearly abuts the North Pole.But it’s filled with natural resources and strategically placed to the north of us, and that’s why The Donald wants it possibly as the 51st.Since I’m in Davos at the World Economic Forum, a literal cluster-you-know-what of investment bankers, I thought I’d ask around about the feasibility of such a deal.The answer, which might surprise you, went something like this: Difficult, not impossible.You might recall, that was the exact answer given to Michael Corleone in “Godfather II,” when he asked about the feasibility of murdering his rival for power, Hyman Roth.
Michael gave the hit to one of his right hands, Rocco Lampone, to meet Roth, now a fugitive, at the airport and whack him despite being surrounded by the feds.Roth was indeed met, and murdered, though at a high price.Lampone was killed after putting a slug in Roth’s gut.Taking over Greenland, similarly, could get messy.
Trump hasn’t ruled out using the military, citing with much justification Greenland’s strategic importance to US self-preservation, its raft of natural resources.The Chinese and Russians are increasingly encroaching on our turf, establishing business ties with the self-governing territory of Denmark.And of course, we provide the place with protection even as they do business with our global adversaries.But before the bullets start flying, Wall Street dealmakers both here in Davos and back in New York are starting to think about a peaceful way to make the deal, and just how feasible the deal might be.The biggest obstacle, I am told, is what you might expect: money.“In the minds of Denmark and I’m sure Greenland’s, I’m sure it’s priceless,” one Wall Street CEO told me.Good point.
How do you value a country? How do you put a price tag on the future value of Greenland’s mineral depo...