Ohio-based ice cream brand Graeter’s Ice Cream announced on Friday, Jan.24 that its newest flavor, “Skyline Spice,” is a collaboration with another Cincinnati icon, Skyline Chili.“This wacky-yet-wonderful creation combines Graeter’s handcrafted French Pot ice cream with oyster crackers and Skyline’s signature chili spice mix, offering the best of both worlds from these two beloved Cincinnati eateries,” said a press release from Graeter’s. “Everyone who knows chili knows Skyline and, as longtime fans ourselves, we were eager to collaborate on a one-of-a-kind, must-try flavor,” Richard Graeter, fourth-generation president and CEO of Graeter’s Ice Cream, said in the press release. He continued, “Last year, speculation about our unconventional and somewhat polarizing partnership started a social media frenzy.
We spent months perfecting the recipe and are extremely happy to confirm the rumors are true – and the flavor will surprise you.”The flavor is “sweet, savory, and unlike anything ice cream or chili lovers have tasted before,” said the release. Skyline Chili is known for its “secret recipe” chili and its unique products, including its “3-Way.” The “3-Way,” which Skyline Chili’s website calls its “signature dish,” features “steaming spaghetti covered with our original secret-recipe chili and topped with a mound of shredded cheddar cheese.”Skyline Chili has never done a dessert collaboration before, Dick Williams, the chairman and CEO of Skyline Chili said in the release. “Graeter’s Skyline Spice Ice Cream has the heart and soul of both beloved Midwest-born brands in every bite,” said Williams. Graeter’s Skyline Spice Ice Cream will be available for a limited time at Skyline restaurants, Graeter’s Scoop Shops as well as in “select Kroger stores throughout Cincinnati; Columbus, Ohio; Indianapolis; and Louisville, Ky,” starting on Jan.27, said the release.Fans of Skyline Chili and/or Graete...