The situation in the Panama Canal is worse than we thought.Not only does a Chinese company control container ports at each end of the waterway, but a Chinese construction battalion is slowly building a bridge right across the middle.How slowly? Well, the bridge won’t be completed until 2027 and Sen.
Ted Cruz thinks he knows why.As Cruz, who is chairman of the Commerce Committee, noted at a hearing this week, “the partially-completed bridge gives China the ability to block the canal without warning…This situation poses acute risks to US national security.”What kind of risks?Imagine that China announces a blockade of Taiwan and that we want to surge forces from the Atlantic into the Pacific to counter it.A US aircraft carrier is midway through the canal, passing under China’s bridge when, without warning, the unfinished bridge collapses, crushing the ship.China pretends it’s an accident, offering its condolences to the families of the thousands of US sailors who lost their lives.
Unable to break the blockade on its own, the island of Taiwan capitulates two months later, and the largest chip-manufacturing factory in the world falls into China’s hands. The last administration turned a blind eye to these kinds of national security risks.Joe Biden was literally asleep on a Delaware beach for much of his presidency.
Or perhaps he really was, as many believe, the Manchurian Candidate all along.Whatever the case may be, China has had four long years to run riot over the world.While Biden slept, China crushed the Democracy Movement in Hong Kong and locked up its leading dissident, Jimmy Lai. It nibbled away at the territory of neighboring states like Bhutan and India, built a naval base in Cambodia, and encouraged North Korea’s Kim Jong-un to continue his campaign of missile intimidation.Just last week Little Rocket Man, as Trump labeled him, fired off another round of cruise missiles.China has also embarked upon a new kind of “grey zone” warfare, wi...