Not everybody’s the same.Check your fingers.
Different sizes, different shapes.Our Maker is infinite.We’re infinite — fat, tall, dumb, smart, some speak through spit like Bernie Sanders — some through selling out their country like Menendez.One day — you’re everything.
Then Our Maker’s finger tweaks — and for some reason you’re suddenly nothing.Rent’s increased, system’s decreased, home needs repairing, plumber didn’t receive your check.So what happens to a Somebody who suddenly becomes nobody?First, dump your cellphone because nobody calls.Find a secondhand or used bookshop.Cancel your magazine subscription.
Only a peeing dog cares about it.Try the crossword puzzle you couldn’t do last month.Call that plumber.Forget taking party clothes to the cleaners.Movie? Great to see another Clark Gable film.Try exercising.Maybe that right knee could flex again.Realize you’re Everybody — and try to get an appointment with a doctor.Mop the kitchen.
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Never miss a story.Consider a walk.
Short walk.Very short walk.Call your remaining friend.Realize you really don’t even like your remaining friend.Pick a fight with your plumber.Rearrange maybe the drawer where your Monopoly sets all fell down.Try to do something constructive — which you can’t — if you could you’d still be working.Call the plumber again.Play Solitaire.
Cheat.Who’ll know?Tear up old Nancy Pelosi photos.
No fast rule behind this.It’s just a good idea.Hustle real estate.
Everybody does.Forget expecting a full cup of coffee when ordering a Starbucks latte.Forget looking for a parking spot.Forget trying to get the house painter to fill in that spot he missed.And do the crossword puzzle — on Monday.Send a thank...